Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Simple Past dan Past Continous Tense

Another Memorable day

It was around 8 p.m.

I was sitting in front of my computer when my daughter suddenly closed my eyes from behind.

* Me : What are you doing, honey?
* My daughter : Please stay still, dad!
* Me : But what are you doing?

She didn’t answer my question. She was busy wrapping my head with a shawl.

Everything then looked dark because my eyes were completely covered. So, when she slowly ushered me to the family room, I could barely walk. It took us forever to move from the computer room to the living room.

After having sat on the couch, my daughter unleashed the shawl from my head. The room was dark. The light was intentionally turned off. In the dark, I saw my wife sitting in front of me. She was smiling and looking at me when she lit the candles.

Yup, they were all for my birthday. Frankly, I was deeply touched. It was another memorable moment in my life. Thanks guys for the attention you showed me. I love you all.


* stay still = diam, jangan bergerak
* wrap = membungkus
* shawl = selendang
* covered = tertutup
* usher = menuntun/memandu
* can barely = hampir tidak bisa
* forever = lama sekali (sebuah kiasan hiperbolik).
* unleashe = melepaskan ikatan
* turned off = dimatikan/dipadamkan


Jika aktivitas/kejadian telah dilakukan/terjadi dan berakhir in the past, gunakanlah simple past tense. Sedangkan, jika aktivitas tersebut sedang in action/in progress pada waktu yang sangat spesifik in the past, gunakanlah past continuous tense.

Sumber : Swara Bhaskara English

Simple Present Tense

Formula untuk Simple Present Tense adalah:
Subject + Verb1 + Object + Modifier

Note: jika subject diikuti oleh adjective atau noun, gunakan be: is/am/are. Is digunakan jika subject-nya singular yaitu he, she, it dan noun yang dapat digantikan dengan subject pronoun he, she atau it; Am jika subject-nya I; Sedangkan, are jika subject-nya you, they, atau we. Subject pronoun I, you, they, we, dan noun yang dapat digantikan dengan I, you, they atau we disebut plural subject.


1. Farmers in Jati Bali grow rice crops twice a year. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali bercocok tanam padi dua kali setahun).
2. Some students usually conduct research on vegetative plant propagations. (Beberapa siswa biasanya melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif).
3. Transpiration starts to increase at 8 a.m. (Transpirasi mulai meningkat jam 8 pagi).

Note: Pada contoh 1 dan 2 digunakan plural verb karena subject-nya plural, sedangkan pada contoh yang ketiga digunakan singular verb [verb1 + (s atau es)] karena didahului oleh singular subject.

Kapan verb1 ditambahkan huruf s dan kapan ditambahkan huruf es sehingga menjadi singular verb yang benar? Hampir semua singular verb dibentuk dengan menambahkan huruf s diakhir verb1 (i.e. Verb1 + s ). Namun, mengingat jumlah verb sangat banyak, maka yang perlu dipahami/dihafal sekarang adalah kapan kita harus menambahkan es. Ketentuannya adalah jika verb1 berakhiran dengan huruf “o, x, ch, y, th, s, dan sh” maka Verb1 + es.


Verb1 + es



menekan, tindis
lulus, meloloskan


* Huruf ‘y’ yang didahului oleh konsonan berubah menjadi ‘i’ (Lihat: studies, tries, cries).
* Verb have (mempunyai) berubah secara tidak beraturan menjadi has.

Pertanyaan berikutnya adalah kapan simple present tense digunakan?

Simple present tense digunakan:

1. untuk menyatakan kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi secara reguler (regular happening).


1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (Matahari terbit di timur dan tenggelam di barat).
2. The full moon comes every 30 days. (Purnama datang tiap 30 hari).
3. The planet earth takes 365 days to rotate the sun. (Planet bumi butuh 365 hari untuk mengelilingi matahari).

2. untuk menyatakan kebiasan-kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh subject kalimat (habitual action); Kebiasaan-kebiasaan tersebut masih berlangsung sampai sekarang dan (mungkin) akan terus berlanjut ke masa yang akan datang (future).


1. My son always goes to school on foot. (Putra saya selalu pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki).
2. Mr. Bain usually plays badminton every Sunday morning but he did not show up last Sunday. (Mr Bain biasanya main bulutangkis tiap minggu pagi tetapi dia tidak muncul (tidak main) hari Minggu yang lalu).
3. Mr. Budi always drives a car to the office. (Mr. Budi selalu mengendarai mobil ke kantor).

3. Untuk menyatakan argumen atau teori yang sudah diakui kebenarannya.


1. The prices of goods always increase when the good availabilities drop in market. (Harga-harga barang selalu naik ketika ketersedianya di pasar menurun).
2. Solar radiation is required during photosynthesis. (Radiasi surya dibutuhkan selama proses fotosintesis).
3. Twenty-five devided by five is equal to five. (25 dibagi 5 sama dengan 5).

4. Untuk menyatakan/mengekspresikan keadaan atau kondisi seseorang atau sesuatu pada saat sekarang (pada saat diekspresikan). Verbs untuk mengekspresikan seseorang atau sesuatu ini terkait dengan proses/keadaan di dalam otak, terkait dengan perasaan, terkait dengan panca indera, dan terkait dengan kepemilikan. Verbs seperti ini secara kolektif disebut Stative Verbs. Verbs ini sering kita gunakan atau dengar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Jadi, perhatikan dan hafalkan verbs dalam tabel berikut!
Terkait dengan proses/keadaan di dalam otak
know (tahu)
believe (percaya)
understand (mengerti/paham)
imagine (membayangkan)
think (berfikir/mengira/kira)
recognize (mengenali)

doubt (meragukan)
need (memerlukan/butuh)
prefer (lebih suka)
mean (berarti)
forget (melupakan/lupa)
remember (mengingat/ingat)
Terkait dengan perasaan
hate (benci)
love (cinta)

like (suka)
want (menginginkan/ingin)

Terkait dengan panca indera
hear (mendengar)
see (melihat)
smell (mencium/tercium)
appear (muncul)

sound (terdengar)
look (melihat/tampak)
seem (tampak)
taste (merasakan/terasa)
Terkait dengan kepemilikan
have (mempunyai)
own (mempunyai)

possess (mempunyai)
belong (milik)

Note: Stative verbs bersifat pasif dan tidak digunakan dalam continuous tenses. Tetapi, beberapa stative verbs juga dapat bersifat aktif , bermakna sedikit berbeda dengan stative verbs, dan dalam hal ini, dapat digunakan dalam continuous tenses. Perbedaan penggunaan verbs bersifat pasif dan aktif ini dibahas secara lebih detail di topik Simple present tense vs present continous tense.


1. I think I know him. (Saya kira/rasa saya tahu dia).
2. I understand English better now. (Saya paham bahasa Inggris dengan lebih baik sekarang).
3. I love you very much. (Saya sangat mencintai kamu).
4. The song sounds good but I cannot catch every single word in it. (Lagu itu terdengar manis tapi saya tidak dapat menangkap satu kata pun dari lagu itu).
5. The snack tastes so delicious. (Camilan itu terasa begitu lezat).
6. I believe you. (Saya percaya kamu).
7. The tragic accident sometimes appears in my mind. (Kecelakaan tragis itu kadang-kadang muncul di benak saya).
8. She has two dogs and one cat. (Dia punya dua anjing dan satu kucing), etc.

5. Untuk menyatakan fakta yang ada sekarang. Penekanannya lebih pada adanya fakta, bukan pada proses terjadinya fakta.Verb yang sering digunakan di sini antara lain: consist of, contain, include, exist, cost, be (i.e: is, am, dan are, atau be jika mengikuti modal auxiliary).


1. She weighs more than 100 kg. She is very fat. (Dia beratnya lebih dari 100 kg. Dia sangat gemuk).
2. I want to buy these shoes. How much do they cost? (Saya mau beli sepatu ini. Berapa harganya?).
3. Cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine and other harmful substances. (Rokok-rokok mengandung banyak nikotin dan zat-zat berbahaya lainnya).

6. Untuk membuat request (permintaan/minta tolong) dan command (perintah).


1. May I borrow your pen, please? (Boleh saya pinjam pulpenmu?).
2. Make teams that consist of 5 people each! (Buatlah tim yang masing-masing terdiri dari 5 orang).

Note: Dalam simple present tense, sering digunakan adverb seperti: always (selalu), often (sering), usually (biasanya), sometimes (kadang-kadang), seldom (jarang), never (tidak pernah). Adverbs ini biasanya ditempatkan diantara subject dan verb. Tetapi jika kalimat menggunakan be, adverb ditempatkan setelah be (Lihat contoh 4). Walaupun disisipi adverb, bentuk verb tidak berubah. Artinya, jika subject-nya singular (orang ketiga tunggal), verbnya tetap singular (Lihat contoh 5). Selain adverbs, simple present tense juga sering disisipi modal auxilliary seperti can (dapat), may (boleh, mungkin), dan must (harus). (Lihat contoh 6). Dan ingat, gunakan plural verb setelah modal auxilliary. Singular verb tidak pernah digunakan setelah modal auxiliary (Lihat contoh 7). Penggunaan modal auxilliary akan dibahas secara khusus pada posting berikutnya.

Contoh :

1. I usually watch Hollywood movies to maintain my English proficiency. (Saya biasanya nonton film-film Hollywood untuk mempertahankan kemampuan bahasa Inggris saya).
2. They always arrive on time. (Mereka selalu tiba tepat waktu).
3. My children sometimes go to Kuta Beach to practice their English. (Anak-anak saya kadang-kadang pergi ke pantai Kuta untuk melatih bahasa Ingggrisnya).
4. He is never late. (Dia tak pernah telat).
5. Because he seldom studies hard, he seldom gets good results. (Karena dia jarang belajar keras, dia jarang dapat nilai bagus).
6. Can I go now? No, you can’t. You must stay here until we finish doing our homework. (Dapat saya pergi sekarang? Tidak. Kamu harus tetap di sini sampai kita selesai mengerjakan PR kita).
7. He must go to see a doctor now. (Dia harus pergi ke dokter sekarang).

Negative Form

Bentuk negatif dari kalimat dalam Simple Present Tense dibuat dengan menambahkan kata bantu ‘do’ atau ‘does’ (tergantung dari subject kalimat) dan not, seperti terlihat dalam formula berikut,
Subject + (does/do) + not + Verb1 + Object + Modifier

Note: a) Jika kalimat positifnya menggunakan singular verb (i.e. verb1 + s/es), gunakan kata bantu does sebelum not dan jangan lupa untuk merubah singgular verb tersebut menjadi verb1. Does not dapat disingkat doesn’t dan do not dapat disingkat don’t. b) Jika kalimat positifnya menggunakan be (i.e. is, am atau are), kata bantu do atau does tidak diperlukan. Yang perlu dilakukan di sini hanyalah menyisipkan not setelah be, yang masing-masing dapat disingkat menjadi isn’t/ aren’t. Kontraksi am + not adalah ain’t, tetapi jangan gunakan kontraksi ini dalam tulisan/percakapan formal karena sangat tidak formal.


1. The sun does not rise in the west and does not set in the east. (Matahari tidak terbit di barat dan tidak tenggelam di timur).
2. The full moon does not come every 15 days. (Purnama tidak datang tiap 15 hari).
3. The planet earth does not take 400 days to rotate the sun. (Planet bumi tidak butuh 400 hari untuk mengelilingi matahari).
4. My son does not always go to school on foot. (Putraku tidak selalu pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki).
5. Mr. Bain does not always play badminton every Sunday morning. (Mr Bain tidak selalu main bulutangkis tiap minggu pagi).
6. Mr. Budi does not always drive a car to the office. (Mr. Budi tidak selalu naik mobil ke kantor).
7. I do not believe you. (Saya tidak percaya kamu).
8. I do not understand English better now. (Saya tidak memahami bahasa Inggris dengan lebih baik sekarang).
9. The song does not sound good but I can catch every single word in it. (Lagu itu tidak terdengar manis tapi saya dapat menangkap setiap kata di lagu itu).
10. The snack does not taste good. (Camilan itu tidak terasa lezat).
11. I do not love you very much. (Saya tidak sangat cinta kamu).
12. I do not always watch Hollywood movies to maintain my English proficiency. (Saya tidak selalu nonton film-film Hollywood untuk mempertahankan kemampuan bahasa Inggrisku).
13. My children do not always practice their English every Saturday night. (Anak-anakku tidak selalu melatih bahasa Ingggrisnya setiap sabtu malam).
14. He is never late. (Dia tak pernah telat).
15. Although he does not always study hard, he always gets good results. (Walaupun dia tidak selalu belajar keras, dia selalu memperoleh nilai bagus).

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Questions untuk Simple Present Tense dibuat dengan menempatkan kata bantu does/do atau be is/am/are sebelum subject. Perhatikan formula berikut:
Does/Do + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Modifier?


1. Do farmers in Jati Bali grow rice crops twice a year? (Apakah petani-petani di Jati Bali bercocok tanam padi dua kali setahun?).
2. Do some students usually conduct research on vegetative plant propagations? (Apakah beberapa siswa biasanya melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif?).
3. Does transpiration start to increase at 8 a.m? (Apakah transpirasi mulai meningkat jam 8 pagi?).

Pola di atas khusus untuk positive yes/no questions. Cara membuat negative yes/no questions, questions tag, information questions, dan embedded questions dibahas secara detail di topik How to Address Questions.

Sumber :Swara Bhaskara's English

Senin, 19 April 2010

Book review

Book Review: Beautiful Men
By: Hesti Pratiwiafwiani

Mine is a book to the man-4 from Andrey Aksana. The author is also known by the nickname The Singing Author reality of life is to disassemble a romance that opposes the norm in society and raised it into a touching story.

Beautiful man tells about the life romance between two men. The love story that started accidentally. As one of the characters in the novel 'Would not there is always a new beginning? "

Rafky is the man who almost without flaw. Athletic body, handsome face, and intelligence above average. He is a man who attract the attention of almost everyone. The figure is so appealing until one day a man fell in love with him.

His meeting with Valent on a plane to Thailand by mistake is the beginning of their story. Valent, handsome and gentle Rafky attention. Invitation to stay with him while in Thailand received Rafky though he rather objected to the extreme lifestyle of luxury Valent.

Valent who lost his father since childhood always longed for an adult male figure. He knew from childhood he was always attracted to other men but she always denied the presence of those feelings. Bid with her mother to marry her mother the option he received in the hope he can lead a normal life like other men.

But the presence at his side during libutran Rafky in Thailand that has been hacking defenses. Until one day they fell in love.

A glimpse of the latest novel by Andrei Aksana on this, that comes to mind is that this novel will surely exploit many sex scenes as other novels by young writers who bloom lately.

But from the first page until exhausted, scenes of intimacy and flirtation was described Andrei with a smooth and beautiful language. Not a cheap vulgar language, so that no impression of disgust on every scene that were served.

Not just prose, in this novel, Andrei also slipped poems are from the wild leaps of thought or feeling his characters.

Most beautiful men not only tell you the feelings that in fact Rafky and Valent called gay by society, but also feelings of disappointed people who were around them.

Reading this novel we will be devoted to a realization that love is universal. Although there is a kind of quote 'When love does not choose the sex, Love became forbidden'.

I love you, because I love you.
No need another reason ...

We are the world Lirycs

[Justin Bieber]
There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
[Nicole Scherzinger & Jennifer Hudson]
When the world must come together as one
[Jennifer Hudson]
There are people dying
[Jennifer Nettles]
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
[Josh Groban]
We can't go on
Pretending day by day
[Tony Bennet]
That someone, somehow will soon make a change
[Mary J Blige]
We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need

[Michael Jackson]
We are the world
We are the children
[Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson]
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
[Barbra Streisand]
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

[Miley Cyrus]
Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
[Enrique Iglesias]
So their cries for help
Will not be in vain
[Nicole Scherzinger]
We can't let them suffer
No we cannot turn away
[Jamie Foxx]
Right now they need a helping hand
[Selena Gomez]
Nou se Mond La
We are the Children
[Adam Levine]
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
[BeBe Winans]
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

[Michael Jackson]
When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
[Celine Dion]
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change can only come
When we stand together as one

[Chorus - All]
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
[Nick Jonas]
Got to start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
[Toni Braxton]
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
[Mary Mary]
We are the world
[Demi Lovato]
We are the World
[Mary Mary]
We are the children
[Demi Lovato]
We are the children
[Isaac Slade]
We are the ones who make a brighter day
[Toni Braxton]
So lets start giving

[Lil Wayne]
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

[Chorus - All]
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
[Jamie Foxx imitating Ray Charles]
Choice were making
Saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

[Rapping - LL Cool J, Will-I-Am, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, Swizz Beatz]
We all need somebody that we can lean on
When you wake up look around and see that your dreams gone
When the earth quakes we'll help you make it through the storm
When the floor breaks a magic carpet to stand on
We are the World united by love so strong
When the radio isn't on you can hear the songs
A guided light on the dark road your walking on
A sign post to find the dreams you thought was gone
Someone to help you move the obstacles you stumbled on
Someone to help you rebuild after the rubble's gone
We are the World connected by a common bond

Love the whole planet sing it along

[Chorus - All]

[Kanye West]
Everyday citizens
Everybody pitching in

[Singing - Demi Lovato]
Send them your heart
[Joe Jonas]
Send them your soul
[Demi Lovato & Joe Jonas]
Make a wave to save the children
Make a wave for everyone

You and I
You and I
[Kanye West]
Uh, 12 days no water
What's your will to live?
We amplified the love we watching multiply
[Kanye West]
Feeling like the Worlds end
We can make the World win
Like Katrina, Africa, Indonesia
And now Haiti needs us, the need us, they need us

[Chorus - All]
[Wyclef Jean]
Haiti, Haiti, Ha, Ha, ha, ha, ha
Haiti, Haiti, Ha, Ha, ha, ha, ha
Haiti, Haiti, Ha, Ha, ha, ha, ha

Friut Salad with Almond Sauce


Arumanis 200 g of mango flesh, diced
150 g of red apples, diced
10 fresh strawberries, cut-sides
150 g pineapple, diced
50 g almonds / peanuts, roasted, diced


Milkmaid Full Cream 100 ml
100 ml water
1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolve it with a little water
¼ teaspoon almond essence

How to Make:


Sauce: mix all ingredients together except the essences, until boiling and thickened.

Lift, give essences, mix well. Chill.

Arrange fruit in a serving bowl. Refrigerate until cold.

Serve with gravy

Seafood pasta salad receipt

200 grams of squid, cut into pieces and then cut off-slices
200 grams of banana prawn, cut off his back
200 grams of meat snapper, 2 cm cubes
1 teaspoon lemon zest
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 teaspoon parsley, chopped
1 / 8 teaspoon apple vinegar (lemon juice may be substituted)
50 grams fusilli pasta, cooked

1 / 2 red peppers, cut to length
1 / 2 green pepper, cut to length
150 grams of broccoli, cut flowerets, cooked braised
75 grams of sweet corn, boiled and then dipipil
150 grams of apples poor, thinly cut

250 g mayonnaise
8 tablespoons tomato sauce
100 grams poor apple, grated
1 / 2 teaspoon mustard
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 4 teaspoon pepper



Marinate squid, shrimp, fish and meat with lemon juice, salad oil, parsley, and vinegar. Let stand 15 minutes. Saute until cooked.

Stir the dressing ingredients.

Pour the vegetables, add seafood and pasta

Contoh CV dalam bahasa inggris

Anthony Rodriguez

R.D. 144

Rutherford, New Jersey 07299

(201) 966-4985

Objective: To obtain a position as Investment Analyst.

Education: Rutherford State College, Rutherford, New Jersey

Graduate School of Business Administration

Degree: M.B.A

Graduated: August 1996

Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ

Degree: B.A.

Graduated: May 1994

Concentration: History/Economics


7/97-Present American Motor Credit Corporation, Port Jervis, New York

Presented finance packages (equity and lease) to retail customers of truck, farm, and construction equipment. Trained salesman of franchised dealership in the presentation of finance plans, handled retail collections and repossessions.

1/96--7/97 Brown’s Motor Acceptance Corporation, Newark, New Jersey

Conducted wholesale audits, retail collections, and repossessions

10/95--1/96 Friendly Finance Corporation, Union, New Jersey.

Conducted interviews of potential customers; handled retail collections.

7/93--9/95 Kodak Corporation, Hackensack, New Jersey

Chemical Operator

3/92--6/93 Volkswagen Parts division, Ramsey, New Jersey

Materials Handler

References: Furnished upon request.

contoh surat lamaran dalam bahasa inggris

untuk melamar di bagian keuangan / finance

Jakarta, Desember 08, 2006


Personel Manager of PT FAJAR KARYA INDAH Tbk.
Gedung PT. FAJAR KARYA INDAH Tbk. 2nd floor
Jl. Kemandoran Kav.27
Jakarta Barat

Dear Sir/Madam,

Refer to your requirement advertised in Kompas December 06 2006, I am interested to joint and to contribute with your respected company.

I am twenty-six years of age, single and in good health condition. I was graduated from AA YKPN, Yogyakarta in 2003. My scholastic record is satisfactory and also skilled at Accounting duties. I am be able to use English both oral and written, computer literate, able to use MS Office package such as MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS OutLook and Internet, also familiar with English Correspondences and Administration duties.

Now, I am working as Accounting Staff at PT. SURYA PERKASA. I am willing to learn and work very well with others and anxious to put my knowledge into practical. Enclosed is my resume and latest photograph for your review and considerations.

I hope you will grant me an interview and the opportunity to give you more details about my self.

Yours faithfully,

english homework ( exercise 10 )

1. John, along with twenty friends are planing a party
John, dengan dua puluh temanya merencanakan sebuah pesta

2. The picture of the souldier bring back many memories
Gambar para tentara itu membawa kembali banyak kenangan

3. The Qualities of recordings are not very good
Kualitas dari rekaman ini tidak terlalu bagus

4. If the duties of these officers aren't reduced, there will
not be enough time to finish the project
Jika tugas para pekerja dikurangi mereka tidak punya cukup waktu
untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan

5. The effects of cigarette smoking have been proven to be extremely harmful
Efek - efek dari merokok telah terbukti sangat merugikan

6. The use of credit card in place of cash have increased rapidly in recent years
Penggunaan kartu kredit sebagai pengganti uang tunai telah meningkat pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir

7. advertisements on television are becoming more competitive than ever before
iklan di televisi menjadi lebih kompetitif dibandingkan sebelumnya

8. Living evpenses in this country, as well as many others, at an all- time high
Biaya hidup di negara ini sama besarnya di banyak tempat, semakin tinggi setiap waktu

9. Mr. Jones accompanied by several members of the commitee, have proposed some changes of the rules
Mr Jones didampingi oleh beberapa anggota komite, telah mengusulkan beberapa perubahan aturan

10.The levels of intoxication varies from subject to subject
Tingkat keracunan bervariasi dari subjek ke subjek